Renaissance Gardens — Villa I Busini - A unique Renaissance Home

Renaissance Villa I Busini. Celebrating 600 years

Luxury Tuscan villa rental 30 minutes from Florence.

Grounds < Renaissance Gardens

Renaissance Gardens


In the late 15th century—during the height of the Renaissance—a new style of landscaped garden emerged, known today as Renaissance Gardens. This style of garden was prominent at noble villas, particularly in Florence, and was inspired by classical ideals of order and beauty.

Initially intended for the pleasure of the families and to elevate the majestic landscapes in the distance, Renaissance gardens later become grander and more symmetrical in design, incorporating fountains and statues to delight and amuse their owners, and to impress their guests.

The authentic Villa I Busini Renaissance Gardens have been meticulously maintained over the centuries to uphold the original classical ideals and provide guests with a serene Renaissance experience that enhances Tuscany’s finest views.

The estate gardens were the pride and joy of Ridolfo de’ Medici, brother of the owner of the Villa (1846), and were featured in an article in the US Arts & Decoration Magazine in March of 1925.

Designed to enchant, with beautiful statues that have been collected over centuries, while integrating seamlessly with the rich, luscious natural landscape of the Val di Sieve, the Renaissance Gardens are a true masterpiece and an indulgence for the senses.



Our Grounds & Gardens