Salons < The Historic Kitchen

The Historic Kitchen & Breakfast Bar

The Historic Kitchen is a charming room with east facing windows that welcome in the morning Tuscan sun. 

The walls are covered in deep blue frescoes, decorated by hand with golden Florentine lilies, inspired by the three lilies in the Medici Coat of Arms. The vaulted ceiling was carefully hand-painted by local artists and the elevated stove has witnessed some 600 years of history. The Medici made it theirs by decorating it with the Medici Coat of Arms.

The Breakfast Bar is at its brightest in the early morning, covered entirely in frescos that were inspired by large bird cages, where plants are nestling in the filigree like structures.

Spectacular period windows made of thick lead glass, create reflections in the Tuscan sunlight. Equipped with one of the best Espresso machines available, you are guaranteed the perfect cappuccino (or espresso) while you soak up the morning sunshine.

The Historic Kitchen is a functional family kitchen. A professional Chef’s kitchen is also available in one of Villa I Busini’s outbuildings.


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